Sunday, August 26, 2007

To Layla-chan

To Layla-chan~

Thackery: Hey, what are you up to now?

I'm writing a congrats card for Layla. Since I can't go to the service today, I thought this was the next best thing to do.

Thackery: I feel like writing something now too.

Thackery: The pen, *mon cherise?

The William Penn? You know, you can't ask too much from me.

Thackery: Sorry... Please and thank you?

Thackery: That ought to do it.

Thackery: *muttering* ...and Thackery...

Here, I think I should put the card in the envelope.

Thackery: Wait. Put this sticker on the back too. I was saving it for something like this.

It's a... Tsuka-pyon, you like Hello Kitty? Are you also some kind of secret Drag Queen too?

Thackery: Don't get your hopes up, kid.

Thackery and I apologize for not being able to go to your baptism, however, we still wanted to express our congratulations! We luv you!



*mon cherise - "my cherry" in French, but don't be fooled. Thack doesn't really know French; he only knows what he thinks are pick-up lines.

1 comment:

Layla-chan said...

:) Thanks so much, Thackery and Sen-chan! I really appreciate all of this. I truly have been blessed!

:( Unfortunately, the camera blanked out when my Mom was trying to tape it, so we weren't able to get good film footage of the event. XP It wasn't very exciting, anyway - I'll tell you all about it, if you like!

Thanks again, you guys!

Love from,

Layla-chan <3