Saturday, September 15, 2007

Shadows at Sunset

"Shadows at Sunset" is a song from the Romantic Impressions Suite composed by Martha Mier. The person playing the song is yours truly.



Sweet Light

No Sakuri-kun, but I did get several decent shots of twilight at my house. Pictures can't beat actually being there to enjoy the Sweet Light, but they can tell you that there was a magic transcending those last few moments of a dying sun.



Saturday, September 8, 2007

Back to School

*Benkyo, benkyo, benkyo...

Really, that's all I seem to be doing lately. But Tsuka-pyon is a pro at distracting me when I become inhumanly engrossed with my work. Here are some super clear pictures I took of him not too long ago with my snapshot camera. Damn it, I really need a (digital) SLR to do the boy more justice.

Still, the first picture is my favorite out of the whole batch.



*Benkyo - "study" in Japanese.