Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pastel Afternoons

Yes! Thackery now has a new set of clothes, and I think he looks hot. And I'm not a dolliphile or anything, just so you know.

But if he were a human guy, I would find him very, very smexy. Check out the tight khakis on those legs. He can't even sit in them! But lying down is better for his leg joints and stringing anyway.

There's Sakuri's peaceful afternoon for you. Moving on now.

His clothes are from Volks' Tenshi no Sumika (USA store.) Also, it was pretty ironic seeing their model Tsukasa modeling for the outfit too. Their doll clothes are exactly like mini-human clothes - including zippers, pockets, hats, shoes, and all - so that's why the clothes that Volks sells for super dollfies will cost about the same as regular human clothes. That goes for pretty much everything else too. It's really quite awesome.

And technically, he should not be wearing these clothes just yet since the outfit is actually his birthday present, coming up October 29.

Judging his glare in the sixth photo though, I believe I am more excited about it than he is.


Nobody ♥

Ps. The first four pictures are my favorites for this shoot. What's yours?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Image Tweaking

I thought I'd experiment with some special features in my camera. The first one is my favorite. :)



Saturday, September 15, 2007

Shadows at Sunset

"Shadows at Sunset" is a song from the Romantic Impressions Suite composed by Martha Mier. The person playing the song is yours truly.



Sweet Light

No Sakuri-kun, but I did get several decent shots of twilight at my house. Pictures can't beat actually being there to enjoy the Sweet Light, but they can tell you that there was a magic transcending those last few moments of a dying sun.



Saturday, September 8, 2007

Back to School

*Benkyo, benkyo, benkyo...

Really, that's all I seem to be doing lately. But Tsuka-pyon is a pro at distracting me when I become inhumanly engrossed with my work. Here are some super clear pictures I took of him not too long ago with my snapshot camera. Damn it, I really need a (digital) SLR to do the boy more justice.

Still, the first picture is my favorite out of the whole batch.



*Benkyo - "study" in Japanese.

Friday, August 31, 2007

In Memory of Tian-Tian

Tian-Tian, we'll always be thinking about you. This morning was tough and painful, and you finally left us this afternoon. Rest in peace with a smile now. Remember that the flashlight and drawing I sent you are meant to chase away your fears of the dark. I told you, that where there is darkness, there will always be a light.

We miss you. I miss you. A lot.

May whoever's up there take sympathy on a little eight-year-old boy. If there really is reincarnation, I hope he comes back as a normal, healthy boy without cancer or any other illness - and grow up to live a full, happy life.

That, or stay in heaven where there will be no pain and suffering anymore.



Sunday, August 26, 2007

To Layla-chan

To Layla-chan~

Thackery: Hey, what are you up to now?

I'm writing a congrats card for Layla. Since I can't go to the service today, I thought this was the next best thing to do.

Thackery: I feel like writing something now too.

Thackery: The pen, *mon cherise?

The William Penn? You know, you can't ask too much from me.

Thackery: Sorry... Please and thank you?

Thackery: That ought to do it.

Thackery: *muttering* ...and Thackery...

Here, I think I should put the card in the envelope.

Thackery: Wait. Put this sticker on the back too. I was saving it for something like this.

It's a... Tsuka-pyon, you like Hello Kitty? Are you also some kind of secret Drag Queen too?

Thackery: Don't get your hopes up, kid.

Thackery and I apologize for not being able to go to your baptism, however, we still wanted to express our congratulations! We luv you!



*mon cherise - "my cherry" in French, but don't be fooled. Thack doesn't really know French; he only knows what he thinks are pick-up lines.

Morning Gaze

Tsuka-pyon was staring at me rather peculiarily one morning when I told him that I felt like taking him out for another photoshoot. He's not much of a photo-hog - it's more like I photo-hog him, and then he gets sick of me. But anyway, he was rather cooperative with me when I set him up against an old chair and gave him a pillow to pose with. Not that he knew what to do besides just sitting there. He's not a very creative fellow, but don't tell him I said that. :)



Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Antique Mosaics

These are just a few pictures of Thackery/Tsukasa posing with some objects we found around the house. I really would like to take him to Longwood Gardens since summer is not quite finished yet, but this photo shoot and the flower photos will have to do for now.



Friday, June 22, 2007

My Heart's Garden

I decided to take Thackery outside with me today around noon for a photoshoot in the flower patches out back. Unfortunately, it was not easy posing him as the wind was too strong. Plus, I wish I owned a digital SLR - it would have let me adjust the Depth of Scale and maybe even the aperture. The sun was really bright.

Anyway, I picked a few of my better shots, but they're all still pretty much half-crap. We were just getting ready for summer. Wish us better luck next time! Have a wonderful summer, everyone.

