Friday, February 19, 2010

A Year Already???

It's so strange, not blogging about Thackery and his friends for so long. I guess I was too caught up in school work. But no worries. I just thought I'd make a note about another big package I got. And no, it's not another doll.

I'm going to go back to Taiwan this summer, so I thought I'd need a stronger SD carrier for the plane ride. Even if I'm taking him as a carry-on, I'd feel better knowing he was in a hard-shelled doll carrier. But I didn't want people wondering if I was carrying a bomb, so I wanted to go for a disguise. So what's the next best thing? I got Thack a Volks' SD Violin Case.

And I know it's pricey, but if I'm going to get something this nice and long-lasting, then I might as well go the whole nine yards.

It's arrived today, but I'm not home now to open the package. When I do though, I'll be sure to take pictures of Thack and/or Rui inside it. There's just not enough pictures or information of these things outside of DoA. I remember trying to look up pictures of Volks' violin case, but I only got a few hits. So I'll make my next post a review of sorts too.

Until then,


Nobody ♥