Tuesday, February 9, 2016

No GIRLS Allowed!

A snow day! No school! No homework! A day of doing absolutely nothing but lounging around and playing indoors. 

Eager to show his newest friend all his toys, Rowan invited Nozomi to play in his super-cool, super-secret place in the whole house.

Bring out the colored pencils!

 Komame is bedraggled... and not really a willing playmate.

He slowly inches away.

But Komame is too busy looking back to notice the "floor" in front of him has an edge!


Rowan and Nozomi are startled, turning to see where that cry is coming from.

 Luckily, Komame has an unlikely savior.
"I've got you, kitty."

Meanwhile, Rowan is looking frantically for his missing cat.

"Hey, I think I heard a voice down there," Nozomi points out.

Rowan peers cautiously over the edge, and gapes at what he sees. 
"Give Komame back!" he demands accusingly.

"I didn't take him," Aysel exclaims, feeling wronged, "He fell down!"
Even so, she holds the cat up as her brother lunges recklessly over the edge to reach him.

He would have fallen if Nozomi had not held onto his legs.

"You're really heavy!" Nozomi gasps as he pulls Rowan and Komame back to safety.

"So... please. Get offa me."

"Can I come up too?"

"Uh..." Nozomi is unsure, since this super-cool, super-secret place doesn't belong to him.

"No. Go away, Aysel," Rowan gripes, "Girls aren't allowed up here."

Aysel struggles not to cry, but can't help feeling left out by her twin.

"Hey, isn't that a little mean?" Nozomi asks, "Maybe you should say sorry."
But it's too late. Aysel has already run off.


A sneak peek of the next post, Lost in Snow Forest! Aysel runs away into the woods, and meets someone unexpected.

What or who is this creature? Is he friend or foe?



Monday, February 8, 2016

Princess Mononoke...?

Mostly left out by her brother and her brother's friend, Aysel has come up with many imaginary playmates. However... is Ven just part of her imagination, or is he actually real? Has she finally found a friend to call her own at last?

Here are some sample photos. Enjoy!




Ps. Doven is created by Wood Splitter Lee Cross. He's a one of kind wolf guardian, and will be appearing in future posts. If you're interested in Ven, please look up Lee's work on Deviantart and Facebook! I promise you won't be disappointed.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Wishful Nozomi

Happy New Year!

Well, the new solar year has been around for a while, but this weekend IS the lunar new year. So. Hope you had a happy new, NEW year!

Here is the result of my procrastination. I'm finally getting around to uploading the box opening of Nozomi, my much anticipated tiny version of Tsukasa Konoe. I wasn't so neglectful as to leave him in his box for five months. I actually took these photos right after I returned from Taiwan four months ago. So really, Nozomi was only stewing in his box for about a month before I got to him!

Rui tells me she has no idea how Rowan and Aysel are still around when I'm such a horrible babysitter. And that she feels badly for the new kid.

Without further ado, I present my Volks Yo-SD (tiny extraordinaire) Tsukasa Konoe, and Thackery's newest nemesis, Nozomi.

A month long in a box, within a box is bound to drive anybody stir-crazy. I'm almost nervous.

Konoe, Tsukasa. 

You have no idea how much I wanted to throw the lid off an go straight for the gold, but peace. Tranquility. I'm mature. 
I'm a mature adult who's afraid of dolls, but also spends money on dolls I'm not afraid of. 

...Sometimes I suspect my brain must be strangely wired.

Wish I could've gotten BOTH Tsukasa and Shiro, but... no money. 
*pokes finger through threadbare wallet* 

This plastic headgear.

And his face! He's here! This FACE.
That beautiful hand-painted, air-brushed face-up.

To be honest, his uniform really wasn't up to par with what I know of Volks' standards. A little let down by the quality, but still looks good on.

Those blazer cuffs are way too small... Luckily, Volks new BJD bodies have been updated for a while with easily removable hands. Otherwise, Rowan would have to share what few clothes he has with this kid.

Big Tsukasa, meet Lil Tsukasa.
Mi casa es su casa. 

 Yeah, right.

Don't worry, little man. Thack gets better with age. 

Like cheese. Thack mellows and yellows with age.

I seriously need to take more photos of the three stooges together. More like the two stooges though, since Aysel often gets left out when chilling with the boys. 

But she'll soon have her own friend to play with. Stay tuned, and thanks for looking! (Hint: if her brother Rowan gets to have a tiny-size cat, Komame...)

