Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Rainy Day

I finally got around to taking Rowan around, although I had to do quite a bit of chasing. That little boy has a lot of energy and was curious about everything. So about a week or two ago, I took him with me as I went over to my friend's apartment for lunch one rainy day.

Rowan: Is lunch done yet?
Me: Sorry kid, we haven't really got started yet...

Rowan: Can I help?
Me: I wish, but I don't think you're old enough to chop up veggies just yet.

Rowan: I'm bored, Komame.
Komame: Mew?

Rowan: I think I hear something...

Rowan: Whoa! Komame, look! It's a train! It's a train!
Komame: ...mew?

Rowan: People look so small from up here... they usually look as tall as buildings to me!

*Waiting for lunch to happen.*

Me: This chair's a little too big for you, Goldilocks...

Rowan: I'm bigger than you think!

Rowan: See? King of the Kitchen Table!!! Look who's a tiny now.
Me: :)

Rowan: You can see everything from here... It's almost lonely.
Me: Why don't you go play with Darien?

The furry griffin puppet is Rowan's new friend, Darien. But as always, Komame's never far from his side.

Corn has invited us over again, and Rowan's really excited to try flying next. I don't think Darien would mind giving him a ride, but I worry sometimes. While my little boy has a peaceful nature, he's got an imagination the size of the sky. I can't really tell what he's thinking about most of the time, but he seems pretty content dreaming with a faraway look in his eyes. Whatever his dreams are, I hope they may come true one day.


Nobody ♥

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Equals 'Weird?'

If my final ceramics project could be condensed into one sentence, it would be a mathematical one.

Something I fear + Something I hold dear = Something REALLY weird.

So maybe it's not the most eloquent mathematical expression. But hey, I think I got the expression part down. Here's the proof, pictures from the actual critique and my classmates'/friends' expressions.

People tried talking to him, but Cecil's a bit on the silent side.

People are also shocked at the sight of him. He is articulated, in more ways than one.

My ceramics professor on the right is talking about how I could possibly create more Cecils out of the big plaster block molds I made, and market him.

"What made you chose a wig with a rat tail???"

Don't worry, he's not that fragile! I dropped him a couple times myself...

He's kinda heavy, so it's not my fault.

Indignant pose. Sorry Cecil, but you have no crown jewels to worry about. Forgot to attach them in his leather hard stage...

For the most part, I'm happy with how he turned out. I should have ordered the clothes, wig, and eyes a size smaller, since clay shrinks A LOT, particularly such hollow molds. But this way, Thack can inherit his stuff. Cecil is currently hibernating in my closet back at home and wearing a different set of Thack's old clothes, while Thackery is enjoying Cecil's new Dollzone boots and refuses to give them back.

As for me - my finals for the Spring semester are done, but I'm now taking GenEds for both Summer Sessions, so I can sign up for courses that actually apply to my major and minors during the year. I needed some company, so Thack and Rowan are here with me at school. One of these days, I will have to post a some of our adventures together, or at least give Rowan his own little bio post like I did for all the other resin kids.

One of these days.


Nobody ♥

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rocking the Uniform Look

Again, it seems I've neglected this blog. That's not new, but here's what's up as far my BJD family goes. We currently have four members: Thackery, Rui, Shun, and Rowan. And then there's the soon-to-be noobie! No, I did not purchase this next one. I made him, but not out of resin.

The new boy is my final project for my Mold-Making/Ceramics 2 class.

Well, I'm not posting pictures of him yet, since he's not painted or dressed... and the group critique is this Monday... However, Thackery's claimed his clothes, shoes, and wig for now - minus the uniform jacket and white dress shirt. Those are originally Thack's, which were originally owned by a Shirou Tachibana 2. ANYWAY, the following pictures are of Thackery wearing a mixed assemble of clothes for the new boy.

The new kid's new shoes! On Thack's feet, of course...

Well, Thack with his default hair and eyes.

Thack trying on one of the blue eyes I got for the new boy. They're not nearly as nice as Thack's HG green eyes though, as you can see.


Totally a rocker by nature.

As per usual, Thack is real easy on my eyes - especially after a hard day at work in the studios.


Nobody ♥