Friday, August 31, 2007

In Memory of Tian-Tian

Tian-Tian, we'll always be thinking about you. This morning was tough and painful, and you finally left us this afternoon. Rest in peace with a smile now. Remember that the flashlight and drawing I sent you are meant to chase away your fears of the dark. I told you, that where there is darkness, there will always be a light.

We miss you. I miss you. A lot.

May whoever's up there take sympathy on a little eight-year-old boy. If there really is reincarnation, I hope he comes back as a normal, healthy boy without cancer or any other illness - and grow up to live a full, happy life.

That, or stay in heaven where there will be no pain and suffering anymore.



Sunday, August 26, 2007

To Layla-chan

To Layla-chan~

Thackery: Hey, what are you up to now?

I'm writing a congrats card for Layla. Since I can't go to the service today, I thought this was the next best thing to do.

Thackery: I feel like writing something now too.

Thackery: The pen, *mon cherise?

The William Penn? You know, you can't ask too much from me.

Thackery: Sorry... Please and thank you?

Thackery: That ought to do it.

Thackery: *muttering* ...and Thackery...

Here, I think I should put the card in the envelope.

Thackery: Wait. Put this sticker on the back too. I was saving it for something like this.

It's a... Tsuka-pyon, you like Hello Kitty? Are you also some kind of secret Drag Queen too?

Thackery: Don't get your hopes up, kid.

Thackery and I apologize for not being able to go to your baptism, however, we still wanted to express our congratulations! We luv you!



*mon cherise - "my cherry" in French, but don't be fooled. Thack doesn't really know French; he only knows what he thinks are pick-up lines.

Morning Gaze

Tsuka-pyon was staring at me rather peculiarily one morning when I told him that I felt like taking him out for another photoshoot. He's not much of a photo-hog - it's more like I photo-hog him, and then he gets sick of me. But anyway, he was rather cooperative with me when I set him up against an old chair and gave him a pillow to pose with. Not that he knew what to do besides just sitting there. He's not a very creative fellow, but don't tell him I said that. :)



Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Antique Mosaics

These are just a few pictures of Thackery/Tsukasa posing with some objects we found around the house. I really would like to take him to Longwood Gardens since summer is not quite finished yet, but this photo shoot and the flower photos will have to do for now.

